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Youth Justice Leaders Call for Cross-System Collaboration to Keep Girls Out of Philly Justice System
By The Philadelphia District Attorney's Office, Ciara Sheerin, March 30, 2023
|Former Stoneleigh Fellow Adam Serlin, Ciara Sheerin, the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, and colleagues have published the executive summary of a upcoming report reviewing the data, literature, and policy of girls’ involvement in the justice system.
The following report is an executive summary of a much larger report with the same title. As will be detailed in the pages of this executive summary, the greater report to follow will be released in a series of five installments, with each installment encompassing local data analysis, a national literature review, and policy recommendations related to one of five unique “stages” of girls’ juvenile justice in America.
The organizing stages of our larger report include:
- The Display of a “Delinquent” Behavior
- System Entry and Assessment
- Resource Allocation and Program Referral
- Provision of Juvenile Justice Services
- System Exit and the Next Generation
This executive summary aims to provide a high-level overview of the findings from our local data analysis and national literature review included in the five forthcoming installments, as well as an aggregate snapshot of the many evidence-informed policy recommendations to come. We hope that those who read this executive summary do so with an eye towards making practical design decisions for the improvement of their own local juvenile justice systems, and we hope to provide a forum for organized discussion in the upcoming months.
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