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Philly schools implement new rules for lockdowns to reduce trauma
By Michaela Winberg, Billy Penn | February 3, 2020
Board Member and former Stoneleigh Fellow Kevin Bethel spoke to Billy Penn about the Philadelphia School District’s new lockdown procedures and how they aim to prevent students from experiencing unnecessary trauma.
In the wake of Billy Penn reporting on 10 years of lax record-keeping, student trauma, and near constant class interruptions over lockdowns, the School District of Philadelphia is fundamentally restructuring the way it deals with and classifies lockdowns.[…]
It can be traumatizing to constantly have their education interrupted by violence, some students told Billy Penn, to the point that they had nightmares, even after graduation.
“No question, it’s difficult for our youth,” Chief of School Safety Kevin Bethel said in an interview. “I believe we should be looking at this trauma, especially for young kids, our babies that have to go through this.”
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