Stoneleigh Board Member Wendell Pritchett is featured by The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Mayor Kenney on Tuesday named the 13 city residents who will shape Philadelphia’s new school board, laying out a ambitious timeline for forming a district governing body that will control a $3 billion budget and the education of about 200,000 students.
The nominating panel members include: Kendra Brooks, a district parent, restorative justice instructor, and member of Parents United for Public Education; Bonnie Camarda, a pastor, director of partnerships for the Salvation Army of Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, and former director of Esperanza Health Services; Patrick Eiding, president of the Philadelphia Council, AFL-CIO; Dan Fitzpatrick, president of Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, and former chairman of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce; Jamie Gauthier, executive director of the Fairmount Park Conservancy and parent of two district students; Peter Gonzales, CEO of the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians; Derren Magnum, president of the C.W. Henry Elementary School PTA and an official with Opera Philadelphia; Barbara Moore Williams, a 35-year Philadelphia teacher and administrator who now teaches at Cheyney University and works as an educational consultant; Stephanie Naidoff, former Philadelphia commerce director and city representative; Ivy Olesh, executive director of Playworks, a district parent, and the founding member of the Friends of Chester Arthur; Kimberly Pham, a Temple University student and activist concentrating on public policy and re-engaging youth; Wendell Pritchett, provost of the University of Pennsylvania and a former SRC member; and Sean Vereen, president of Steppingstone Scholars.