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Youth Justice / Child Welfare / Education / Health /
Improving Outcomes for Youth Involved in Multiple Systems of Care: Part II
November 8, 2023
The Stoneleigh Foundation and Georgetown University’s Center for Juvenile Justice Reform hosted a virtual convening featuring an update on the groundbreaking Multi-Systems Integration Pilot Program in Pennsylvania’s Delaware and Erie counties and a conversation with cross-system leaders on the program’s successes and challenges.
Systems of care have historically struggled to work in a collaborative and effective manner to meet the complex needs of youth who are involved in multiple public systems, such as child welfare, youth justice, behavioral health, and education. In Pennsylvania, an innovative new program has been launched to strengthen these efforts.
This webinar, the second in a three-part series, demonstrated the value of a multi-systems approach, including greater coordination and collaboration among systems, improved information sharing, and the use of youth- and family-centered teams in case practice.
Melanie Govan
Supervisor, Staff Development
Delaware County Juvenile Court and Probation Services
Honorable Richard H. Lowe
Delaware County Court of Common Pleas
Gina Mannarelli-Agostine
Mental Health Program Specialist
Erie County DHS
Meghan Ogle
Research Analyst & former Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellow
Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission
Scherry Prater
Director of Student Services
Erie Public Schools
Gretchen Sidler
Placement Administrator, Children & Youth Services
Delaware County DHS
Shay Bilchik (moderator)
Stoneleigh Fellow, Research Professor, and Founder & Director Emeritus
Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy
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