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Hiller has a most daunting task — prevent youth violence
By Len Lear, Chestnut Hill Local | July 10, 2014
Stoneleigh Fellow Richard Greenwald and his Fellowship are featured in the Chestnut Hill Local.
I’m not sure anyone could have a more daunting job than Chestnut Hill resident Richard Greenwald. Since March of 2013 Richard, 49, has been executive director and assistant to the mayor for youth violence prevention. Anyone who watches the 11 o’clock news knows how many young people in the inner city are killing others or being killed, seemingly on a daily basis.
“It is daunting and ambitious for Stoneleigh (Foundation) and Mayor Nutter to put themselves out there and say, ‘We will do something about this issue.’” Greenwald told us during a recent interview. “It is a long-term approach. This did not happen overnight, and it will not be solved overnight. We are looking at young people as assets, not as people we’re afraid of. The mayor is making it a high priority. I was hired to be the point man, so I am responsible for this.”
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