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Fellows in Action: Policy & Practice Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 29, 2020

In a remarkably short period of time, the COVID-19 pandemic required us to change almost everything about how we lived and worked. It also exposed significant fault lines in our understanding about, and delivery of services to, the most vulnerable in our communities.

Many of our systems were challenged to handle complex crises and rapidly changing circumstances. Just as our healthcare systems strained to meet acute medical needs, our education, justice, housing and child-serving systems also navigated unprecedented challenges.

The Stoneleigh Foundation hosted a virtual convening with four of its Fellows to share preliminary observations on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people in Philadelphia. The Fellows described how the pandemic had exacerbated significant needs but also created new opportunities in the way we serve vulnerable populations. This discussion raised key questions and considerations for practitioners, policymakers and philanthropy interested in ways we might prepare for a new normal post-pandemic.


Nadia Dowshen, MD, MSHP
Stoneleigh Fellow
PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Meredith Matone, DrPH
Stoneleigh Fellow
PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Sangeeta Prasad, Esq.
Stoneleigh Fellow
Philadelphia Office of the District Attorney

Adam Serlin, MPA
Stoneleigh Fellow
The Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University

Bob Schwartz, JD (moderator)
Stoneleigh Visiting Fellow
Stoneleigh Foundation